What creates blocks in our meridians is life in general, anger, frustrations, anxieties, worries, processed foods, air pollutants, bacteria from air conditioning, moulds behind the bedhead, the list is endless.
Gua Sha
What Are Meridians?
The meridians are what the ancient Chinese knew as energy channels. There are apparently 12 main meridians starting at the top of the head and flowing all the way to the end of the fingers and toes. When these meridians become blocked the Qi or Chi energy cannot flow optimally, much the same way as how a large tree falling into a river can significantly block the flow along the way.
What Is Qi Or Chi?
Some mystics would answer, what is it not, because it is the very essence of life itself, the all in all. (a bit like Yoda explaining ‘The Force’ to a young Luke Skywalker).
Just recently the Joe Rogan show had audiences stunned to know that the Taoist symbol of yin/yang was found in the image of quantum entangled photons. It is the exact same, undeniability that there is more to ancient Chinese wisdom than what meets the eye.
What Is Gua Sha?
Gua-sha is an ancient Chinese wisdom that has stood the test of time because it produces amazing results which can be felt instantly. It involves rubbing the skin gently over and over again until wind omits from the body’s meridians. Where there are issues a deep red usually appears quickly, in other areas where there are no meridian issues then nothing appears, its really strange!
Gua-sha is nothing new, a bit like acupuncture that was relatively unheard of until Nixon went to Beijing. Very few know about this ancient practice and just how good it is, for example, in ancient China, a healer who was well versed in the flow of Chi/Qi energy and who could feel which meridian had blockages, he or she would come into town and use a special oil and coin to Gua the meridians for folks, of course for a fee, the good ones were always in high demand!
It looks painful but it’s actually quite relaxing. The hard part is staying awake. It’s actually relaxing. So much so that some people get addicted to it!
The relief is when the sha had been release, it’s like we can feel the Qi energy flow around the being.